In the Press / En la Prensa
Por qué víctimas de acoso sexual demoran en denunciar y razones erróneas por las que no se les cree
Expertos y defensores estudian y desmantelan las razones erróneas por las que se desacredita a las víctimas de acoso y abuso sexual.
Conference on Mental Health, Humanism and Spirituality in New York
Distinguished psychiatrists, psychologists and academics gathered at the famous Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City September 27 to share ideas in a symposium on mental health, psychiatry and spirituality. The symposium was sponsored by the Fernando Rielo Foundation, the UTPL-NY, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, and the International College for Person-Centered Medicine.
Cuando el círculo de violencia en República Dominicana no se rompe al migrar a Nueva York (Feminicidios parte 2)
Las mujeres víctimas de violencia doméstica o de género están en alto riesgo de desarrollar problemas de salud mental como la depresión, ansiedad, insomnio y TEPT.
Latino Ground Zero Cleaners Struggle with Health Issues
They spent time on the perimeter of the disaster site, but are dealing with the same health issues as those at the site itself. | Fox News
Lost in the Dust of 9/11
From society's margins, janitors were drafted for an epic cleanup around ground zero. Then 'the cough' racked their lives.
Treatment Can Ease Lingering Trauma of Sept. 11
From The New York Times:
Therapists treating people with lasting psychological trauma from September 11 terrorist attacks are drawing on research that traces roots to case studies of soldiers in Civil War; many lack adequate training in diagnosis and treatment, hence finding effective treatment can be difficult; stress most people will get through experience with help of friends, relatives, clergy and others in community but that up to 25 percent will have symptoms severe enough to interfere with normal life months later.